We like to drag things our over here. Birthday's, chores, you name it. So it's the first day of school. Again, and Again, and Again. Nate started 2nd grade on Tuesday. He is in Mrs. Romero's class with his same group of peers, give or take a couple. Nate is thrilled to be the oldest grade in the lunch and recess slot he is in and super excited that Spanish has been added to the 2nd grade curriculum this year...and cursive.
Ian's first day was today - half day. And his first day is tomorrow - full day. Kinders start slow. They don't go the first 2 days, then a half day then a full day then a weekend. And they wear cute red tshirts at first so they stick out a little and get a little extra help from the older kids. That's one of the best things about HT- the older kids really look out for the little.
For me? I thought I would be sad. I though I would even cry. But really, I am not. After 3 straight years of fighting and crying and drama from Ian about going to school, this year is a thrill. He is so excited about kinder that he can't wait to go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. He has literally been jumping up and down about it. I couldn't be happier that he is finally at peace about going to school.