I know, I know, I have been a blog slacker this past week. Really, we have just been settling into the routine of well, real life. For as long as Dave and I have been together, we have never had a traditional week - one with a weekend that you actually consider a weekend. Back in the day when he was running a dealership, we were lucky if he got two days off, not to mention two days back to back!
With Nate in his third week of school, we have really been able to settle into what we have always referred to as 'normal life'. We now look forward to a weekend to veg and play and relax. This past weekend we were able to go the Family Fun Night at our athletic club where Nate's karate class did a little demonstration for everyone. He has really come around from the stage fright he experienced when he first began and had the freak out of a lifetime at the yellow strip test (did I blog about that, I must have?! I cried as much as he did when we got home!)
On Saturday we invited over a new school friend that Nate has made who happens to live in the other half of our neighborhood. I am thrilled as I have visions of sending him off on his bike to play with a friend.
Ian had a fantastic week. All anxiety about school has been replaced by actual excitement. This has been a long time coming. Rather than cry about having to go, he is disappointed when it is not his day - which thrills me to no end. One day last week he went with me to take Nate in the morning and was surprised to see how his brother hops from the car and goes in school ALL ALONE! That day when I took him to school he begged me to let him get out at the curb just like brother did. NOT likely, but cute that he asked.
Tuesday was Ian's snack day and boy what a big deal that was. He chose to bring goldfish's ("plain mommy cuz some kids might not like the spicy ones") and gogurt. He got to be the line leader all day - a HUGE deal, and 'turn the clock' whatever that means.
Super Dave has been home the past two days with a bad, bad cold. We are keeping him quarantiened to the master sutie in hopes of avoiding the bug. I have cloroxed wiped every inch of the house.
Me? I am back at it with Southern Living and pleased to have a couple parties on the horizon. This time of year is my favorite as the fall catalog has such beatuiful decorations and holiday themes. I re-up'd my webiste - check it out at www.southernlivingathome.com/kellishuster!
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